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2004-10-19 16:48:03 -04:00
# Takes RSMeter logs and graphs them using GD::Graph.
# (C)2004, Dan Ponte
use GD::Graph::lines;
use GD::Graph::colour qw( :files );
GD::Graph::colour::read_rgb( "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt");
if($ARGV[0] eq '' or $ARGV[1] eq '')
print STDERR "Needs more arguments.\n";
exit 1;
open(TLG, $ARGV[0]);
foreach $c (<TLG>)
if($c =~ /([0-9]*):([0-9]*).([0-9]*): (.*)/) {
$csec = $3;
$tdat = $4;
if($tdat =~ /(mV|V|uA|A|Ohm|KHz|Hz)/i and $units !~ /$1/)
{ $units .= "$1/"; }
$tdat =~ s/[^0-9-]*//g;
push @labels, $csec;
push @dater, $tdat;
my @final = (\@labels, \@dater);
my $graph = GD::Graph::lines->new(640, 480);
$graph->set(title => "RSMeter output",
y_label => $units,
boxclr => "black", dclrs => ["orange", "SteelBlue"],
shadowclr => "grey", shadow_depth => 3, bgclr => "LightGrey", fgclr => "LimeGreen", labelclr => "LimeGreen",
axislabelclr => "LimeGreen", textclr => "orange");
my $image = $graph->plot(\@final);
my $pngData = $image->png();
open(OUTFILE, ">" . $ARGV[1]);
binmode OUTFILE;
print OUTFILE $pngData;
close OUTFILE;