package incstore import ( "context" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type IncidentsParams struct { common.Pagination Direction *common.SortDirection `json:"dir"` Filter *string `json:"filter"` Start *jsontypes.Time `json:"start"` End *jsontypes.Time `json:"end"` } type Store interface { // CreateIncident creates an incident. CreateIncident(ctx context.Context, inc incidents.Incident) (*incidents.Incident, error) // AddToIncident adds the specified call IDs to an incident. // If not nil, notes must be valid json. AddRemoveIncidentCalls(ctx context.Context, incidentID uuid.UUID, addCallIDs []uuid.UUID, notes []byte, removeCallIDs []uuid.UUID) error // UpdateNotes updates the notes for a call-incident mapping. UpdateNotes(ctx context.Context, incidentID uuid.UUID, callID uuid.UUID, notes []byte) error // Incidents gets incidents matching parameters and pagination. Incidents(ctx context.Context, p IncidentsParams) (incs []Incident, totalCount int, err error) // Incident gets a single incident. Incident(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (*incidents.Incident, error) // UpdateIncident updates an incident. UpdateIncident(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID, p UpdateIncidentParams) (*incidents.Incident, error) // DeleteIncident deletes an incident. DeleteIncident(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) error // Owner returns an incident with only the owner filled out. Owner(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (incidents.Incident, error) // CallIn returns whether an incident is in an call CallIn(ctx context.Context, inc uuid.UUID, call uuid.UUID) (bool, error) // TGsIn returns the talkgroups referenced by an incident as a map, primarily for rbac use. TGsIn(ctx context.Context, inc uuid.UUID) (talkgroups.PresenceMap, error) } type postgresStore struct { } type storeCtxKey string const StoreCtxKey storeCtxKey = "store" func CtxWithStore(ctx context.Context, s Store) context.Context { return services.WithValue(ctx, StoreCtxKey, s) } func FromCtx(ctx context.Context) Store { s, ok := services.Value(ctx, StoreCtxKey).(Store) if !ok { return NewStore() } return s } func NewStore() Store { return &postgresStore{} } func (s *postgresStore) CreateIncident(ctx context.Context, inc incidents.Incident) (*incidents.Incident, error) { user, err := users.UserCheck(ctx, new(incidents.Incident), "create") if err != nil { return nil, err } db := database.FromCtx(ctx) var dbInc database.Incident id := uuid.New() txErr := db.InTx(ctx, func(db database.Store) error { var err error dbInc, err = db.CreateIncident(ctx, database.CreateIncidentParams{ ID: id, Owner: user.ID.Int(), Name: inc.Name, Description: inc.Description, StartTime: inc.StartTime.PGTypeTSTZ(), EndTime: inc.EndTime.PGTypeTSTZ(), Location: inc.Location.RawMessage, Metadata: inc.Metadata, }) if err != nil { return err } if len(inc.Calls) > 0 { callIDs := make([]uuid.UUID, 0, len(inc.Calls)) notes := make([][]byte, 0, len(inc.Calls)) hasNote := false for _, c := range inc.Calls { callIDs = append(callIDs, c.ID) if c.Notes != nil { hasNote = true } notes = append(notes, c.Notes) } if !hasNote { notes = nil } err = db.AddToIncident(ctx, dbInc.ID, callIDs, notes) if err != nil { return err } } return nil }, pgx.TxOptions{}) if txErr != nil { return nil, txErr } inc = fromDBIncident(id, dbInc) return &inc, nil } func (s *postgresStore) AddRemoveIncidentCalls(ctx context.Context, incidentID uuid.UUID, addCallIDs []uuid.UUID, notes []byte, removeCallIDs []uuid.UUID) error { inc, err := s.Owner(ctx, incidentID) if err != nil { return err } _, err = rbac.Check(ctx, &inc, rbac.WithActions(entities.ActionUpdate)) if err != nil { return err } return database.FromCtx(ctx).InTx(ctx, func(db database.Store) error { if len(addCallIDs) > 0 { var noteAr [][]byte if notes != nil { noteAr = make([][]byte, len(addCallIDs)) for i := range addCallIDs { noteAr[i] = notes } } err := db.AddToIncident(ctx, incidentID, addCallIDs, noteAr) if err != nil { return err } } if len(removeCallIDs) > 0 { err := db.RemoveFromIncident(ctx, incidentID, removeCallIDs) if err != nil { return err } } return nil }, pgx.TxOptions{}) } func (s *postgresStore) Incidents(ctx context.Context, p IncidentsParams) (incs []Incident, totalCount int, err error) { _, err = rbac.Check(ctx, new(incidents.Incident), rbac.WithActions(entities.ActionRead)) if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } db := database.FromCtx(ctx) offset, perPage := p.Pagination.OffsetPerPage(100) dbParam := database.ListIncidentsPParams{ Start: p.Start.PGTypeTSTZ(), End: p.End.PGTypeTSTZ(), Filter: p.Filter, Direction: p.Direction.DirString(common.DirAsc), Offset: offset, PerPage: perPage, } var count int64 var rows []database.ListIncidentsPRow txErr := db.InTx(ctx, func(db database.Store) error { var err error count, err = db.ListIncidentsCount(ctx, dbParam.Start, dbParam.End, dbParam.Filter) if err != nil { return err } if offset > int32(count) { return common.ErrPageOutOfRange } rows, err = db.ListIncidentsP(ctx, dbParam) return err }, pgx.TxOptions{}) if txErr != nil { return nil, 0, txErr } incs = make([]Incident, 0, len(rows)) for _, v := range rows { incs = append(incs, fromDBListInPRow(v.ID, v)) } return incs, int(count), err } func fromDBIncident(id uuid.UUID, d database.Incident) incidents.Incident { return incidents.Incident{ ID: id, Owner: users.UserID(d.Owner), Name: d.Name, Description: d.Description, CreatedAt: jsontypes.Time(d.CreatedAt.Time), StartTime: jsontypes.TimePtrFromTSTZ(d.StartTime), EndTime: jsontypes.TimePtrFromTSTZ(d.EndTime), Metadata: d.Metadata, } } type Incident struct { incidents.Incident CallCount int `json:"callCount"` } func fromDBListInPRow(id uuid.UUID, d database.ListIncidentsPRow) Incident { return Incident{ Incident: incidents.Incident{ ID: id, Owner: users.UserID(d.Owner), Name: d.Name, Description: d.Description, CreatedAt: jsontypes.Time(d.CreatedAt.Time), StartTime: jsontypes.TimePtrFromTSTZ(d.StartTime), EndTime: jsontypes.TimePtrFromTSTZ(d.EndTime), Metadata: d.Metadata, }, CallCount: int(d.CallsCount), } } func fromDBCalls(d []database.GetIncidentCallsRow) []incidents.IncidentCall { r := make([]incidents.IncidentCall, 0, len(d)) for _, v := range d { dur := calls.CallDuration(time.Duration(common.ZeroIfNil(v.Duration)) * time.Millisecond) sub := common.PtrTo(users.UserID(common.ZeroIfNil(v.Submitter))) r = append(r, incidents.IncidentCall{ Call: calls.Call{ ID: v.CallID, AudioName: common.ZeroIfNil(v.AudioName), AudioType: common.ZeroIfNil(v.AudioType), AudioURL: v.AudioUrl, Duration: dur, DateTime: v.CallDate.Time, Frequencies: v.Frequencies, Frequency: v.Frequency, Patches: v.Patches, Source: v.Source, System: v.SystemID, Submitter: sub, Talkgroup: v.TGID, }, Notes: v.Notes, }) } return r } func (s *postgresStore) Incident(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (*incidents.Incident, error) { _, err := rbac.Check(ctx, &incidents.Incident{ID: id}, rbac.WithActions(entities.ActionRead)) if err != nil { return nil, err } var r incidents.Incident txErr := database.FromCtx(ctx).InTx(ctx, func(db database.Store) error { inc, err := db.GetIncident(ctx, id) if err != nil { return err } calls, err := db.GetIncidentCalls(ctx, id) if err != nil { return err } r = fromDBIncident(id, inc) r.Calls = fromDBCalls(calls) return nil }, pgx.TxOptions{}) if txErr != nil { return nil, txErr } return &r, nil } type UpdateIncidentParams struct { Name *string `json:"name"` Description *string `json:"description"` StartTime *jsontypes.Time `json:"startTime"` EndTime *jsontypes.Time `json:"endTime"` Location []byte `json:"location"` Metadata jsontypes.Metadata `json:"metadata"` } func (uip UpdateIncidentParams) toDBUIP(id uuid.UUID) database.UpdateIncidentParams { return database.UpdateIncidentParams{ ID: id, Name: uip.Name, Description: uip.Description, StartTime: uip.StartTime.PGTypeTSTZ(), EndTime: uip.EndTime.PGTypeTSTZ(), Location: uip.Location, Metadata: uip.Metadata, } } func (s *postgresStore) UpdateIncident(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID, p UpdateIncidentParams) (*incidents.Incident, error) { ckinc, err := s.Owner(ctx, id) if err != nil { return nil, err } _, err = rbac.Check(ctx, &ckinc, rbac.WithActions(entities.ActionUpdate)) if err != nil { return nil, err } db := database.FromCtx(ctx) dbInc, err := db.UpdateIncident(ctx, p.toDBUIP(id)) if err != nil { return nil, err } inc := fromDBIncident(id, dbInc) return &inc, nil } func (s *postgresStore) DeleteIncident(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) error { inc, err := s.Owner(ctx, id) if err != nil { return err } _, err = rbac.Check(ctx, &inc, rbac.WithActions(entities.ActionDelete)) if err != nil { return err } return database.FromCtx(ctx).DeleteIncident(ctx, id) } func (s *postgresStore) UpdateNotes(ctx context.Context, incidentID uuid.UUID, callID uuid.UUID, notes []byte) error { return database.FromCtx(ctx).UpdateCallIncidentNotes(ctx, notes, incidentID, callID) } func (s *postgresStore) Owner(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (incidents.Incident, error) { owner, err := database.FromCtx(ctx).GetIncidentOwner(ctx, id) return incidents.Incident{ID: id, Owner: users.UserID(owner)}, err } func (s *postgresStore) CallIn(ctx context.Context, inc uuid.UUID, call uuid.UUID) (bool, error) { db := database.FromCtx(ctx) return db.CallInIncident(ctx, inc, call) } func (s *postgresStore) TGsIn(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (talkgroups.PresenceMap, error) { _, err := rbac.Check(ctx, &incidents.Incident{ID: id}, rbac.WithActions(entities.ActionRead)) if err != nil { return nil, err } db := database.FromCtx(ctx) tgs, err := db.GetIncidentTalkgroups(ctx, id) if err != nil { return nil, err } m := make(talkgroups.PresenceMap, len(tgs)) for _, t := range tgs { m.Put(talkgroups.ID{ System: uint32(t.System), Talkgroup: uint32(t.Talkgroup), }) } return m, nil }