db: connect: 'postgres://postgres:password@localhost:5432/example' partition: # whether to enable the built-in partition manager enabled: true # the postgres schema containing our tables schema: public # daily|weekly|monthly|quarterly|yearly interval: monthly # number of partitions to retain, -1 to keep all retain: 3 # whether to drop or simply detach drop: true # number of partitions to prepare ahead preProvision: 3 cors: allowedOrigins: - 'http://localhost:*' - 'https://stillbox.server' auth: jwtsecret: 'super secret string' # this is the JWT cookie domain domain: example.com # this allows the JWT cookie to be served over plain HTTP only for these Host: header values allowInsecureFor: "localhost": true listen: ':3050' public: true log: # level logs at or above the specified level # levels are trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic # an entry without a file: property indicates stderr - level: debug - level: error file: error.log rateLimit: enable: true requests: 200 over: 2m alerting: enable: true lookbackDays: 7 halfLife: 30m recent: 2h alertThreshold: 0.3 renotify: 30m notify: - provider: slackwebhook # subjectTemplate: "Stillbox Alert ({{ highest . }})" # bodyTemplate: | # {{ range . -}} # {{ .TGName }}{{ if (and .Talkgroup .Talkgroup.AlphaTag) }} ({{ .Talkgroup.StringTag false -}}){{ end }} is active with a score of {{ f .Score.Score 4 }}! ({{ f .Score.RecentCount 0 }}/{{ .Score.Count }} recent calls) # # {{ end -}} config: webhookURL: "http://somewhere" # configure upstream relays here relay: # `url` is the root of the instance # - url: 'http://some.host:3051/' # apiKey: aaaabbbb-cccc-dddd-eeee-ffff11112222 # `required` specifies whether we should report failure (i.e. HTTP 500 for rdio-http) to the source # if the relay call submission fails # required: false