Go library for accessing the Reddit API.
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Vartan Benohanian b4feadda4f Return lists for bans, wikibans, messages, etc.
Signed-off-by: Vartan Benohanian <vartanbeno@gmail.com>
2020-08-29 14:45:45 -04:00


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Featured in issue 327 of Golang Weekly 🎉

go-reddit is a Go client library for accessing the Reddit API.

You can view Reddit's official API documentation here.


To get a specific version from the list of versions:

go get github.com/vartanbeno/go-reddit@vX.Y.Z

Or for the latest version:

go get github.com/vartanbeno/go-reddit


Make sure to have a Reddit app with a valid client id and secret. Here is a quick guide on how to create an app and get credentials.

package main

import "github.com/vartanbeno/go-reddit/reddit"

func main() {
    withCredentials := reddit.WithCredentials("id", "secret", "username", "password")
    client, _ := reddit.NewClient(withCredentials)

You can pass in a number of options to NewClient to further configure the client (see reddit/reddit-options.go). For example, to use a custom HTTP client:

httpClient := &http.Client{Timeout: time.Second * 30}
client, _ := reddit.NewClient(withCredentials, reddit.WithHTTPClient(httpClient))

Read-Only Mode

The global DefaultClient variable is a valid, read-only client with limited access to the Reddit API, much like a logged out user. You can initialize your own via NewReadonlyClient:

client, _ := reddit.NewReadonlyClient()


Configure the client from environment variables.
client, _ := reddit.NewClient(reddit.FromEnv)
Submit a comment.
comment, _, err := client.Comment.Submit(context.Background(), "t3_postid", "comment body")
if err != nil {
    return err
fmt.Printf("Comment permalink: %s\n", comment.Permalink)
Upvote a post.
_, err := client.Post.Upvote(context.Background(), "t3_postid")
if err != nil {
    return err
Get r/golang's top 5 posts of all time.
posts, _, err := client.Subreddit.TopPosts(context.Background(), "golang", &reddit.ListPostOptions{
    ListOptions: reddit.ListOptions{
        Limit: 5,
    Time: "all",
if err != nil {
    return err
fmt.Printf("Received %d posts.\n", len(posts))

More examples are available in the examples folder.


The package design is heavily inspired from Google's GitHub API client and DigitalOcean's API client.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.