**Rustypaste** is a minimal file upload/pastebin service. ```sh $ echo "some text" > awesome.txt $ curl -F "file=@awesome.txt" paste.example.com http://paste.example.com/safe-toad.txt $ curl http://paste.example.com/safe-toad.txt some text ``` ## Features - File upload - supports basic HTTP authentication - random file names (optional) - pet name (e.g. `capital-mosquito.txt`) - alphanumeric string (e.g. `yB84D2Dv.txt`) - guesses MIME types - Single binary - [binary releases](https://github.com/orhun/zps/releases) - Easy to deploy - [docker images](https://hub.docker.com/r/orhunp/rustypaste) - No database - filesystem is used - Self-hosted - _centralization is bad!_ - Written in Rust - _blazingly fast!_ ## Usage ### CLI ```sh function rpaste() { curl -F "file=@$1" -H "Authorization: " "" } ``` **\*** consider reading authorization headers from a file. (e.g. `-H @rpaste_auth`) ```sh # upload a file $ rpaste x.txt # paste from stdin $ rpaste - ``` ### Server To start the server: ```sh $ rustypaste ``` If the configuration file is not found in the current directory, specify it via `CONFIG` environment variable: ```sh $ CONFIG="$HOME/.rustypaste.toml" rustypaste ``` To enable basic HTTP auth, set the `AUTH_TOKEN` environment variable (via `.env`): ```sh $ echo "AUTH_TOKEN=rustjerk" > .env $ rustypaste ``` See [config.toml](./config.toml) for configuration options. #### Docker Following command can be used to run a container which is built from the [Dockerfile](./Dockerfile) in this repository: ```sh $ docker run --rm -d \ -v "$(pwd)/upload/":/app/upload \ --env-file "$(pwd)/.env" \ -e "RUST_LOG=debug" \ -p 8000:8000 \ --name rustypaste \ orhunp/rustypaste ``` - uploaded files go into `./upload` (on the host machine) - set the `AUTH_TOKEN` via `-e` or `--env-file` to enable auth You can build this image using `docker build -t rustypaste .` command. If you want to run the image using [docker compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/), simply run `docker-compose up -d`. (see [docker-compose.yml](./docker-compose.yml)) #### Nginx Example server configuration with reverse proxy: ```nginx server { listen 80; location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:8000/; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"; add_header X-Frame-Options "sameorigin"; add_header X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"; } } ``` If you get a `413 Request Entity Too Large` error during upload, set the max body size in `nginx.conf`: ```nginx http { # ... client_max_body_size 100M; } ``` ### Roadmap - Support "disappearing" files - Support setting an expiry date for uploads - Write a CLI tool in Rust ### Contributing Pull requests are welcome! Consider submitting your ideas via issues first. Also, see the [roadmap](#roadmap) and/or run the following command to see what is needed to be done: ```sh $ grep -nr "TODO:" src/ ``` #### License All code is licensed under The MIT License.