#!/usr/local/bin/wish8.4 # Change the open line below to reference your serial device. proc every {ms body} { eval $body; after $ms [ info level 0] } proc dowhatnot fhh { puts -nonewline $fhh "D" flush $fhh } set fhn [ open "/dev/cuaa0" "r+" ] fconfigure $fhn -mode 1200,n,7,2 -handshake none -ttycontrol {RTS 0} frame .rc -borderwidth 2 -width 80c -height 24c pack .rc wm title . "RSMeter" frame .mnubar -relief raised -bd 2 pack .mnubar -in .rc -fill x -expand yes menubutton .mnubar.file -underline 0 -text "File" -menu .mnubar.file.menu pack .mnubar.file -side left menubutton .mnubar.help -underline 0 -text "Help" -menu .mnubar.help.menu pack .mnubar.help -side right label .rc.slb -width 24 -height 2 pack .rc.slb menu .mnubar.file.menu .mnubar.file.menu add command -label "Exit" -command {close $fhn; exit } menu .mnubar.help.menu .mnubar.help.menu add command -label "About" -command {message .msg -text "RSMeter.\n(C)2004, Dan Ponte" } fileevent $fhn readable {.rc.slb configure -text [gets $fhn] } every 1000 [list dowhatnot $fhn]