#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import csv import logging import pathlib import re import sys import gnupg logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) def set_meta(entry, path, grouping_base): pure_path = pathlib.PurePath(path) group = pure_path.relative_to(grouping_base).parent if group.name == '': group = '' entry['group'] = group entry['title'] = pure_path.stem def set_data(entry, data, exclude, get_fields, get_lines): lines = data.splitlines() tail = lines[1:] entry['password'] = lines[0] filtered_tail = [] for line in tail: for exclude_pattern in exclude: if exclude_pattern.search(line): break else: filtered_tail.append(line) matching_indices = set() fields = entry.setdefault('fields', {}) for i, line in enumerate(filtered_tail): for name, pattern in get_fields: if name in fields: # multiple patterns with same name, we've already found a match continue match = pattern.search(line) if not match: continue inverse_match = line[0:match.start()] + line[match.end():] value = inverse_match.strip() fields[name] = value matching_indices.add(i) break matching_lines = {} for i, line in enumerate(filtered_tail): for name, pattern in get_lines: match = pattern.search(line) if not match: continue matches = matching_lines.setdefault(name, []) matches.append(line) matching_indices.add(i) break for name, matches in matching_lines.items(): fields[name] = '\n'.join(matching_lines) final_tail = [] for i, line in enumerate(filtered_tail): if i not in matching_indices: final_tail.append(line) entry['notes'] = '\n'.join(final_tail).strip() def write(file, entries, get_fields, get_lines): get_field_names = set(x[0] for x in get_fields) get_line_names = set(x[0] for x in get_lines) field_names = get_field_names | get_line_names header = ["Group(/)", "Title", "Password", *field_names, "Notes"] csvw = csv.writer(file) logging.info("Writing data to %s", file.name) csvw.writerow(header) for entry in entries: fields = [entry['fields'].get(name) for name in field_names] columns = [ entry['group'], entry['title'], entry['password'], *fields, entry['notes'] ] csvw.writerow(columns) def main(store_path, grouping_base, outfile, gpgbinary, use_agent, encodings, exclude, get_fields, get_lines): entries = [] failures = [] path = pathlib.Path(store_path) grouping_path = pathlib.Path(grouping_base) gpg = gnupg.GPG(gpgbinary=gpgbinary, use_agent=use_agent) for file in path.glob('**/*.gpg'): logging.info("Processing %s", file) with open(file, 'rb') as fp: decrypted = gpg.decrypt_file(fp) if not decrypted.ok: err = "Could not decrypt {}: {}".format(file, decrypted.status) logging.error(err) failures.append(err) continue for i, encoding in enumerate(encodings): try: # decrypted.data is bytes decrypted_data = decrypted.data.decode(encoding) except Exception as e: logging.warning( "Could not decode {} with encoding {}: {}" .format(file, encoding, e) ) continue if i > 0: # don't log if the first encoding worked logging.warning("Decoded {} with encoding {}".format(file, encoding)) break else: err = "Could not decode {}, see warnings for more info.".format(file) logging.error(err) failures.append(err) continue entry = {} set_meta(entry, file, grouping_path) set_data(entry, decrypted_data, exclude, get_fields, get_lines) entries.append(entry) if failures: logging.warning("Got errors while processing files:") for err in failures: logging.warning(err) write(outfile, entries, get_fields, get_lines) def parse_args(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( 'store_path', type=str, help="path to the password-store to export", ) parser.add_argument( '-b', '--base', metavar='path', type=str, help="path to use as base for grouping passwords", dest='base_path' ) parser.add_argument( '-g', '--gpg', metavar='executable', type=str, default="gpg", help="path to the gpg binary you wish to use (default 'gpg')", dest='gpgbinary' ) parser.add_argument( '-a', '--use-agent', action='store_true', default=False, help="ask gpg to use its auth agent", dest='use_agent' ) parser.add_argument( '--encodings', metavar='encodings', type=str, default="utf-8", help=( "comma-separated text encodings to try, in order, when decoding" " gpg output (default 'utf-8')" ), dest='encodings' ) parser.add_argument( '-o', '--outfile', metavar='file', type=argparse.FileType('w'), default="-", help="file to write exported data to (default stdin)", dest='outfile' ) parser.add_argument( '-e', '--exclude', metavar='pattern', action='append', type=str, default=[], help=( "regexp for lines which should not be exported, can be specified" " multiple times" ), dest='exclude' ) parser.add_argument( '-f', '--get-field', metavar=('name', 'pattern'), action='append', nargs=2, type=str, default=[], help=( "a name and a regexp, the part of the line matching the regexp" " will be removed and the remaining line will be added to a field" " with the chosen name. only one match per password, matching" " stops after the first match" ), dest='get_fields' ) parser.add_argument( '-l', '--get-line', metavar=('name', 'pattern'), action='append', nargs=2, type=str, default=[], help=( "a name and a regexp for which all lines that match are included" " in a field with the chosen name" ), dest='get_lines' ) return parser.parse_args(args) def compile_regexp(pattern): try: regexp = re.compile(pattern, re.I) except re.error as e: logging.error( "Could not compile pattern '%s', %s at position %s", pattern.replace("'", "\\'"), e.msg, e.pos ) return None return regexp if __name__ == '__main__': parsed = parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) failed = False exclude_patterns = [] for pattern in parsed.exclude: regexp = compile_regexp(pattern) if not regexp: failed = True exclude_patterns.append(regexp) get_fields = [] for name, pattern in parsed.get_fields: regexp = compile_regexp(pattern) if not regexp: failed = True get_fields.append((name, regexp)) get_lines = [] for name, pattern in parsed.get_lines: regexp = compile_regexp(pattern) if not regexp: failed = True get_lines.append((name, regexp)) if failed: sys.exit(1) if parsed.base_path: grouping_base = parsed.base_path else: grouping_base = parsed.store_path encodings = [e for e in parsed.encodings.split(',') if e] if not encodings: logging.error( "Did not understand '--encodings {}'".format(parsed.encoding) ) sys.exit(1) kwargs = { 'store_path': parsed.store_path, 'grouping_base': grouping_base, 'gpgbinary': parsed.gpgbinary, 'use_agent': parsed.use_agent, 'encodings': encodings, 'outfile': parsed.outfile, 'exclude': exclude_patterns, 'get_fields': get_fields, 'get_lines': get_lines } main(**kwargs)