{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\b\f0\fs20 NAME\b0\par \tab\ul\b DUPL \ulnone\b0 - Dan Ultra Public License\par \b DESCRIPTION\b0\par \tab The DUPL is a public license for use by anyone. It's purpose is to severely limit the proliferation of commercial, closed-source software, much like the GPL. However, it is far more harsh.\par \b PREAMBLE\b0\par \tab Anyone may use this license, but modifying it is not allowed. For any ambiguities, refer to the GNU GPL version 2 as a fallback. Government redistribution falls under the GENERAL TERMS with the exception of contacting the author (for informational purposes) and conditions number 5 and 6 of the commercial redistribution restrictions.\par \b GENERAL TERMS\b0\par \tab 1. Any modifications must release \ul FULL\ulnone source code, and keep existing copyright notices intact.\par \tab 2. \ul\b There is no warranty whatsoever, express or implied, for the Program by the author.\b0\par \ulnone\tab 3. Personal \i use\i0 of the program is unrestricted, so long as compliance with this License is exercised if being modified or distributed.\par \tab 4. All derivative works \b must\b0 give credit where due.\par \tab 5. Any other Programs to ever use any code under this License \ul automatically\ulnone fall under the terms of it.\par \tab This includes shared and/or static libraries. Dependencies on executables may or may not be included, depending on the authors' wishes.\par \tab\ul\b BY AGREEING TO THIS LICENSE, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE PROGRAM IS USED AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND THE AUTHOR(S) CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM FOR ANY DATA LOSS, PROPERTY AND/OR EQUIPMENT DAMAGE, FINANCIAL LOSS, DAMAGE OF REPUTATION, DEFAMATION, AND OTHER MISFORTUNES. YOU AGREE THAT THE AUTHOR(S) WILL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY OF THE AFOREMENTIONED EVENTS. \par \par \ulnone\b0\par \b COMMERCIAL/FOR-PROFIT REDISTRIBUTION RESTRICTIONS\b0\par \tab 1. The original author of the Program must be contacted.\par \tab 2. At the author's choice, the organization attempting to redistribute said Program must provide monetary compensation to the author(s) as either\par \tab\tab\bullet a percentage, no less than the agreed, of projected profits\par \tab\tab\bullet a periodic payment amounting to no less than a stated percentage of profits for the agreed period.\par \tab\tab\bullet a one-time payment. If this option is chosen, the author may ask at any time for more compensation.\par \tab\tab\bullet Failure to comply with these terms if the author(s) and organization have agreed results in \ul\b IMMEDIATE\ulnone\b0 termination of the license to distribute the Program.\par \tab 3. Said organization falls under the same terms of the license, those being\par \tab\tab\bullet any modifications must be released to the public in source form.\par \tab\tab\bullet there is no warranty whatsoever by the author(s) (said organization may opt to provide support and/or warrant the Program) for the Program\par \tab\tab\bullet full credit must be retained to the original and all subsequent authors for a particular version.\par \tab\tab\bullet any other personal use restrictions stated above or below.\par \tab 4. At the author's choice, if he/she prefers, the organization \b must\b0 refrain from redistribution of the Program, \b\i for any reason.\b0\i0\par \tab 5. At the first stage of use of the Program by the User (be it the front page, the main menu, etc.), the Program must display credit to the original author and, if applicable, state what Program it is based on clearly and inconspicuously.\par \tab 6. Binary distributions are permitted, as long as clear instructions how to obtain source code \ul for an unlimited period of time\ulnone are given.\par \tab 7. Any other requests of the author(s) \b must\b0 be honored.\par \b COMMERCIAL/GOVERNMENT USE RESTRICTIONS\par \tab\b0 1. The author(s) must be contacted (for informational purposes only, as it is interesting to see who is a user).\par \tab 2. All "GENERAL TERMS" (listed above)\par \b COPYRIGHT\b0\par \tab (C)2004, Dan Ponte\par \par }