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synced 2025-02-28 10:22:35 -05:00
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package services
import (
type ICBM struct {
CommCh chan *models.Message
type icbmKey string
func (s icbmKey) String() string {
return "icbm-" + string(s)
var (
channelKey = icbmKey("channel")
func NewContextWithChannel(ctx context.Context, c *channel) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, channelKey, c)
func ChannelFromContext(ctx context.Context) *channel {
s := ctx.Value(channelKey)
if s == nil {
return nil
return s.(*channel)
type channel struct {
ID uint16
MessageFlags uint32
MaxMessageSnacSize uint16
MaxSenderWarningLevel uint16
MaxReceiverWarningLevel uint16
MinimumMessageInterval uint16
Unknown uint16
func (icbm *ICBM) HandleSNAC(ctx context.Context, db *bun.DB, snac *oscar.SNAC) (context.Context, error) {
session, _ := oscar.SessionFromContext(ctx)
switch snac.Header.Subtype {
// Client is telling us about their ICBM capabilities
case 0x02:
xx xx word channel to setup
xx xx xx xx dword message flags
xx xx word max message snac size
xx xx word max sender warning level
xx xx word max receiver warning level
xx xx word minimum message interval (sec)
00 00 word unknown parameter (also seen 03 E8)
channel := channel{}
r := bytes.NewReader(snac.Data.Bytes())
if err := binary.Read(r, binary.BigEndian, &channel); err != nil {
return ctx, errors.Wrap(err, "could not read channel settings")
newCtx := NewContextWithChannel(ctx, &channel)
return newCtx, nil
// Client asks about the ICBM capabilities we set for them
case 0x04:
channel := ChannelFromContext(ctx)
channelSnac := oscar.NewSNAC(4, 5)
channelFlap := oscar.NewFLAP(2)
return ctx, nil
// Client wants to send a message to someone through the server
case 0x06:
user := models.UserFromContext(ctx)
if user == nil {
return ctx, aimerror.NoUserInSession
msgID, _ := snac.Data.ReadUint64()
msgChannel, _ := snac.Data.ReadUint16()
to, _ := snac.Data.ReadLPString()
if msgChannel != 1 {
log.Printf("Message for unsupported channel %d", msgChannel)
return ctx, nil
tlvs, err := oscar.UnmarshalTLVs(snac.Data.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return ctx, errors.Wrap(err, "could not unmarshal message tlvs")
messageTLV := oscar.FindTLV(tlvs, 0x2)
if messageTLV == nil {
return ctx, errors.New("missing messageTLV 0x2")
// Parse fragment (array of required capabilities, yawn)
messageTLVData := oscar.Buffer{}
fragmentNum, err := messageTLVData.ReadUint8()
if err != nil {
return ctx, errors.Wrap(err, "could not read fragment identifier")
} else if fragmentNum != 5 {
return ctx, errors.New("expected first fragment identifier to be 5")
fragmentVersion, err := messageTLVData.ReadUint8()
if err != nil {
return ctx, errors.Wrap(err, "could not read fragment version")
} else if fragmentVersion != 1 {
return ctx, errors.New("expected first fragment version to be 1")
fragmentLength, err := messageTLVData.ReadUint16()
if err != nil {
return ctx, errors.Wrap(err, "could not read fragment data length")
// Skip over all the capabilities
// This should be the start of the message contents fragment
fragmentNum, err = messageTLVData.ReadUint8()
if err != nil {
return ctx, errors.Wrap(err, "could not read fragment identifier")
} else if fragmentNum != 1 {
return ctx, errors.New("expected second fragment identifier to be 1")
fragmentVersion, err = messageTLVData.ReadUint8()
if err != nil {
return ctx, errors.Wrap(err, "could not read fragment version")
} else if fragmentVersion != 1 {
return ctx, errors.New("expected second fragment version to be 1")
fragmentLength, err = messageTLVData.ReadUint16()
if err != nil {
return ctx, errors.Wrap(err, "could not read second fragment data length")
// Skip over the charset + language
messageContents := make([]byte, fragmentLength-4)
n, err := messageTLVData.Read(messageContents)
if err != nil {
return ctx, errors.Wrap(err, "could not read message contents from fragment")
if n < int(fragmentLength)-4 {
return ctx, errors.New("read insufficient data from message fragment")
message, err := models.InsertMessage(ctx, db, msgID, user.Username, to, string(messageContents))
if err != nil {
return ctx, errors.Wrap(err, "could not insert message")
// Fire the message off into the communication channel to get delivered
icbm.CommCh <- message
// The Client usually wants a response that the server got the message. It checks that the message
// back has the same message ID that was sent and the user it was sent to.
ackTLV := oscar.FindTLV(tlvs, 3)
if ackTLV != nil {
ackSnac := oscar.NewSNAC(4, 0xc)
ackFlap := oscar.NewFLAP(2)
return ctx, session.Send(ackFlap)
return ctx, nil
return ctx, nil