# AIM Oscar Server Run your own AIM chat server, managing users and groups. Hook up a vintage client and get chatty. ## Goals - [x] Have a vintage client authenticate with the server - [x] Add buddies - [x] See buddy online/away status - [x] Chat with buddy - [x] Set away status - [ ] See away status - [ ] Look up buddy - [ ] Buddy icons - [ ] Rate limiting + warn system - [ ] Web Signup - [ ] Federation with other servers ## Getting Started Clone this repository, make sure you have [Go](https://go.dev/) installed in your terminal's path, then run: ``` $ go build && ./aim-oscar ``` ### Configuration Environment flags: - OSCAR_HOST: hostname of the server - OSCAR_PORT: port to bind to - OSCAR_BOS_HOST: hostname of Basic OSCAR Service that provides core client features - OSCAR_BOS_PORT: port of Basic OSCAR Service Flags: - `-host`: hostname of server - `-port`: port to bind to - `-boshost`: hostname of Basic OSCAR Service - `-bosort`: port of Basic OSCAR Service - `-h`: see help information about flags ### Terms _mirrored from [iserverd](http://iserverd.khstu.ru/oscar/terms.html)_ - `BOS`: Basic OSCAR Service. This term refers to the services that form the core of the Instant Messenger service. These services include Login/Logoff, Locate, Instant Message, Roster management, Info management and Buddy List - `FLAP` is a low-level communications protocol that facilitates the development of higher-level, record-oriented, communications layers. It is used on the TCP connection between all clients and servers. - `SNAC`: A SNAC is the basic communication unit that is exchanged between clients and servers. The SNAC communication layers sits on top of the FLAP layer. - `TLV`: Type Length Value. A tuple allowing typed opaque information to be passed through the protocol. Typically TLV's are intended for interpretation at the core layer. Being typed, new elements can be added w/o modifying the lower layers. - `ICBM`: Inter Client Basic Message. ICBM is a channelized client-to-client mechanism. Currently the most user visible channel is used for Instant Messages.